Monday, 21 May 2012

Analysis 3

A Magazine - Belgium

187 Pages - 230 x 295

A Magazine is a bi-annual publication that uses a different international fashion designer as the 'curator' of the magazine each time. The magazine becomes a statement about that designers personal ideas and design interests.

Nice Magazine - UK

Issue 1 (Spring 2002)

230 x 300

"The ultimate experiment in magazine format?" Jeremy Leslie, magCulture (2003)

I haven't been able to find much about this magazine on the internet but it's in a couple of books I've read recently including my key text The Last Magazine. Issue 1 came as an A4 block of wood with no pages or content whatsoever besides a printed advertisement on the back of the wood. The idea may seem strange but it is claimed as a bestseller for all outlets who stock it by Jeremy Leslie in his 2003 book magCulture. This reflects a theme of self reflexivity I've seen in many stylepress magazines, commonly this theme is used to express their own role as magazines, point out the ever increasing obsolescence of printed magazines or even poke fun at mainstream titles.

Eat Magazine - Japan

Issue 7 - Nov/Dec 2001

This issue of Eat magazine focuses on packaging and imitates chocolate on the front cover, with an imitation packaging sleeve. Interesting way of reflecting a theme through format/design.

They Shoot Homos Don't They? - Australia

Issue 5 + Online preview of 1 & 5
148 x 210

"Four men are involved in running the magazine. It began because they were dark about the convergence of homo culture with mediocrity—some call it the mainsteam.
"There is a concerted edffort in the editorial direction to encourage people to read between the lines and negotiate their own politics."

They Shoot Homos Don't They? is an Australian magazine for "men and their admirers" (Renard). The content focusses on gay and art culture but is not made to exclusively appeal to those in the gay community. The magazine is split into 3 'folders' titled 'homos', 'shoot' and 'they don't they', each folders title page attempts to link the content of the folder through a common theme, as the 'brotherhood' of contributors often offer quite differing . It's glossy format lures the audience into a false sense of security preceding it's assault of edgy content. Their website presents a preview of each issue, hosted on their own website, allowing more freedom than that seen with online publishing services such as Issuu.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

VIV Magazine Interface

Cool idea that goes a lot further towards realizing the potential of digital magazines and recreating the intimate relationship between reader and magazine in a digital space. Though I question some of the specifics from a typography/readability perspective. It would be interesting to see how this would react to the iPads rotating display. The possibility of more interactive or reactive content could be interesting to explore with a concept like this.

Pentagram on IPad magazines

Interesting in relation to stylepress as a genre. Many of the things outlined in this article as the future of (digital) magazines seem to contradict or compete with a lot of the defining ideas of stylepress but ends by loosely reaffirming Renards prediction of stylepress as the future of printed magazines.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Poster Quotes

A few quotes that summarise what my project is about, aiming to fit one or two on the poster.

"Tablet computers, PDAs, third generation mobile phones... the 'killer' application, set to replace the printed word. All have failed thus far because the inveterate book reader or magazine reader still seeks a physical experience." David Renard

"It's about the single magazine a reader bought. It's about being part of a league of publications that are willing to take a risk and step forward in the next movement of editorial design." Timba Smits

"Mass market periodicals are unsatisfactory, too often functioning like a communications relay for the political and economic or industrial authority. This inevitably leads to individual initiatives" Angelo Crimele

"Not only has there never been such a variety of titles catering for so many markets, they are also successfully pushing the boundries of editorial design. It is not necesarily within the mainstream that this is happening—although there are exceptions—it is within the countless independent magazines from all over the world that have been launched in recent years" Charlotte Rivers. Mag-Art, Innovation in Magazine Design.

"They are not published to cater to focused demographics or marketing whims but because their publisher, editors, designers, photographers and artists are compelled to satisfy their own desires and inspire others." Steven Heller, Art director of New York Times Book Review.
"Doing an independent magazine... you really can present your own vision of what you think, not only a magazine should be but what you think your viewpoint on the world should be"  Andy Pickering