Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Poster Quotes

A few quotes that summarise what my project is about, aiming to fit one or two on the poster.

"Tablet computers, PDAs, third generation mobile phones... the 'killer' application, set to replace the printed word. All have failed thus far because the inveterate book reader or magazine reader still seeks a physical experience." David Renard

"It's about the single magazine a reader bought. It's about being part of a league of publications that are willing to take a risk and step forward in the next movement of editorial design." Timba Smits

"Mass market periodicals are unsatisfactory, too often functioning like a communications relay for the political and economic or industrial authority. This inevitably leads to individual initiatives" Angelo Crimele

"Not only has there never been such a variety of titles catering for so many markets, they are also successfully pushing the boundries of editorial design. It is not necesarily within the mainstream that this is happening—although there are exceptions—it is within the countless independent magazines from all over the world that have been launched in recent years" Charlotte Rivers. Mag-Art, Innovation in Magazine Design.

"They are not published to cater to focused demographics or marketing whims but because their publisher, editors, designers, photographers and artists are compelled to satisfy their own desires and inspire others." Steven Heller, Art director of New York Times Book Review.
"Doing an independent magazine... you really can present your own vision of what you think, not only a magazine should be but what you think your viewpoint on the world should be"  Andy Pickering

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