Monday, 16 April 2012

The Last Magazine

Interesting book I got out from the library, The Last Magazine by David Renard.

Reviewed by Magculture (website)

"Magazines, as we know them, are dying." 
- David Renard.

"The stylepress: physically and aesthetically engaging, vibrant creative chroniclers of trends. These will be the last printed magazines." - David Renard.

The book makes many interesting points about the future of magazines as well as differentiating mainstream media magazines from what he calls 'the stylepress'. Stylepress magazines as Renard defines them are vibrant luxurious design objects, which engage and inspire the audience through creativity. The book also displays a large number of examples sorted under questions about what a magazine should/could be, relating to the attributes of stylepress magazines, such as:

- "Why does the magazine experience have to be confined to flipping through pages?"
-"Why do magazines have to be designed for ease of use?"
-"Why are magazines created to be disposable?"
-"Why does a magazine have to be programmed to the lowest common denominator?"

These questions seem to sum up many of the key points stated by Rennard in regards to stylepress magazines. Experience based design, creativity and ideas over content, timeless value as an object rather than short lived value as news media and designing without the mainstream market demands in mind.

A lot of what Renard says seems to make sense and I think agree that this could be how the printed magazine is valued in the future, but I'm also interested in how the stylepress is represented in the digital form, or how it can be represented.

Notes/Quotes from reading The Last magazine by David Renard and Mute Magazine Graphic Design by Pauline Van Mourik Broekman, Simon Worthington and Damian Jaques:

Notes from reading The Last Magazine + a few short notes from Mute Magazine Graphic Design by Adrian Shaugnessy

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